Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Project Summary

The Muted Guerrilla Girls. (To get to video through youtube click on the LINK.)

When I first saw the syllabus for the course I was excited to see that the class included Guerrilla Girl artwork.  I was shocked to know that these girls were able to create art during such hard times. Guerrilla Girls, as I had come to know them were, girls who were coerced into wars that were being fought in their countries. Then, I bought the book and learned about THE "Guerrilla Girls," Women who were speaking out for those who were lost through the ages, and pages of history; women who were unappreciated due to their gender rather than talent.  Women who shocked, mystified, and reeled in a whole crowd of listeners through their artwork.  The Guerrilla Girls did not only address problems throughout Art History but the problems women artists face today.  Then I began to think about how wonderful it would be if the Guerrilla Girls I had first thought of were to obtain such a voice in society. I began to wonder why people were not trying as hard to give THESE Guerrilla Girls a voice.  For my semester project I began creating a voice for the Guerrilla Girls who have not been able to give voice to their outrage, emotions, and opinions.  I do not say I gave them The voice because no one can do that except the girls themselves.  I combined the artwork the Artist Guerrilla Girls made and added text that would, I hope, inspire people to help create a movement like the one the Artist Guerrilla Girls have created for the Fighting Guerrilla Girls.  The purpose of this short film was to bring attention to the fact that girls as well as boys are being used as soldiers around the world.  Girls need to have a voice in order for relief efforts to begin, programs targeting girls rehabilitation to form, and most importantly so that girls can help other girls.  The male version of war and how it affects people is not the same as it would be if a female voiced her opinions.


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